20.17 Donors

These donors have pledged to give $ 20.17 a month or have given $ 242.02 annually.

Ryan LaRock*

Martha Lee

Leslie, Virginia*

Lowrey, Barbara

Mack, Pamela

Might, Judy

Miller, Andrew

Miller, Robert and Vivian

Moreno-Howard, Nickie and Christian*

Gorgone, Vincent

Martha Huelsbeck

Parson-Schwartz, Dustin and Nathan*

Perry, Donna

Raksnis, Rick and Terry

Seamon, Lois

Shaw, Charles and Debbie

Sherwood, Janet

Singstock, Timothy

Soesanto, Barry

Teager, Kyle*

Tapp, Ruth*

Vath, Rebecca

Weaver, Thomas

Ansman, Debbie

Arey, Bill and Betty

Bolos, Michele

Brown, Jonathon

Benskin Family

Boynton, Shawn and Dessa

Buxton, Rev. Dr. Lawrence and Beverly

Cali, Debbie

Christensen, Zella

Cyrus, Margaret

DeSanty, Anna

Dunick, Jason*

Ensz, Catie and Drew*

Fabia, Roland and Victoria

Forrest, Dawn*

Greis, Andy and Belinda*

Hayes, Valerie

Harris, Daniel *

Heberle, Charles

Henderson, James

Holcombe, Monty

Houttekier, Judy

Humphreys, Anthony

Kreider, Gail

Herlin, Ann

*Denotes Board Member


Ministry Director Supporters

Platinum Level:

Benskin, Patty and Jason